About Me

malayalam author | Denny Thomas Vattakunnel | personal profile

Personal Profile

I’m Denny Thomas Vattakunnel, Late Shri. Thomas Vattankunnel second great-grandson. “God’s Own Country” is where I was born and brought up: Mandapam East Eleri Village in Kasaragod District, Kerala.

In 2002, I founded Santa Monica Study Abroad Pvt Ltd to assist our youth in acquiring quality education. I am now the managing director of Santa Monica. Years of committed service and hard work earned me a spot among the top businessmen in Kerala.


My belief is that every citizen has a duty to strive for the well-being of society, and perhaps that’s why I’ve been a Gandhian since childhood. I used to engage in debates that were strongly related to Mahatma Gandhi’s principles.

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Business Profile

I stumbled into the business world out of nowhere. Prior to that, I was involved in social and cultural activities. However, as my family expanded, there was a greater need for financial security. So I started looking for a business that suited my interests. Eventually, I partnered with my friend to launch Santa Monica Study Abroad Pvt Ltd, along with that I have also partnered on a number of other projects as well. A reputation as one of the best business consultants in Kerala has been built over many years of hard work and dedication.

My Literature

I had discovered the writing skills within me while pursuing my studies at High School and College itself and thus I begun with small notes of poems and stories which happened to be with a touch of various issues

My Literature

As my I relied on prototype creations rather than becoming a copycat, my stories and poems found acceptance as great works amongst readers which motivated me to create more and more of them and that became a habit which I continue even today devoting time almost on all days amid busy occupations...

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